This site is the website of the scene group Collision. Here you can read some of the story from the old and the present days of Collision. Download our demos and other productions.
Furthermore we bring you here some information about programming, sound/music and graphics, and information about hardware aswell. So, enjoy the tech...
Collision is a legal group now, and no illegal cracking or hacking activities are present... However we do not take responsibility for anything located on this site, or any links to other sites and their content. You are here on your own risk...
We are open for the possibility of legal cracks and other things here on this site. This goes for freely distributable software (released to the public), copyrighted software which we are granted rights to distribute, and copyrighted software which nolonger has an owner of the copyrights, or if the copyrights somehow is used to suppress availability (copyrights, but no distribution), In that case, the author of the material will be considered the rightful owner, and his or her word is counted for... (Please note; mathematics, logic, algebra and algorithms are not in this category, but is considered freely distributable!). In case of special reasons of this codex is not to be followed, we will give a description why...
You can contact me, by writing to email on my personal website.
This site is under construction, and there can be problems with the
way the site is displayed under some configurations. At the moment
this is not a major concern to the webmaster, content have 1st
priority for the time being. However, fixes will be made in the
future. The aim is to have a simple (maybe even primitive) site, and
not to give you a huge web-show.
Credits for the site:
Webmaster: Domix/Collision, Denmark
WebSite Collision Logo: Gothic/Battery, Australia
For the credits of wares located here... See the wares, and/or description of the wares...